
Essential Skills in Cancer Education: Leadership, Leading and Influencing Change in Cancer Education – A Comprehensive Interactive Hands-On Workshop

Monday, 12 October 2020, 11:00 AM - 3:00 PM EDT (UTC -4:00), with a break from 12:30 - 1:30 PM EDT

Workshop registration FULL. No more registrations will be accepted.

Sound leadership skills in cancer education are required to ensure health care educators the necessary skill sets to shape the future of cancer education globally. This intensive 3-hour workshop will aid in the development of core leadership skills for interprofessional health care educators and trainees. Through in-course and post-course mentoring, participants will have an opportunity to develop leadership projects, implement them in their own educational practices and submit them for publication in the JCE.

The overall goals of the course are to translate the principles of leadership into action; utilize change, networking and consensus building to set, align and achieve goals in an interprofessional setting; and engage the participants in leadership in cancer education and inspire initiative for change.

The workshop design provides 1.5 hours for foundational learning on leadership in medicine drawing upon an international perspective. The course commences with an introduction, overview of objectives, presentation on the importance of leadership in medicine,and review of  leadership styles, followed by 10 minute presentations facilitated by international leaders in medical education. A short breakout session will provide participants time to engage with each other, share knowledge and develop content learned through interactive participation of a provided case studies. The remaining time of the workshop allows for interactive work with faculty mentors on individual leadership projects the participants plan to introduce and implement in their own institutions. Participants will be encouraged to bring their own projects  to work on to and will be mentored by the workshop leaders. Allied Health Professionals in Oncology and Trainees, medical surgical and radiation oncologists and are invited to attend.

Learning Objectives:
At the end of the course the participants will be better able to:
  • describe different leadership styles and how they are used in different situations
  • define the steps needed to initiate change in practice
  • address the challenges and communication gaps
  • develop productive/effective mentoring relationships and engage in scholarly projects to develop leadership skills necessary for oncology professionals

  1. Ewa Szumacher, Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre
  2. Krista Dawdy, Odette Cancer Centre
  3. Maria Bishop, Department of Medicine, the University of Arizona College of Medicine Program Director Section of Hematology/Oncology at the Southern Arizona Veterans Administration Health Care System (SAVAHCS) Chair of the Ethics Committee at the Southern Arizona Veterans Administration Health Care System (SAVAHCS)
  4. Gilad Amiel, Department of Urology, RAMBAM Healthcare Campus
  5. David Wiljer, Executive Director, University Health Network
  6. Kathleen Heneghan, Assistant Director, Patient Education, American College of Surgeons
  7. Jamal Khadar, King Hussein Cancer Centre
Best Practices in the Development of Web-enabled Cancer Patient Education Tools for Improved Decision Making

Monday, 12 October 2020, 11:00 AM - 12:30 PM EDT (UTC -4:00)

Workshop registration FULL. No more registrations will be accepted.

Patient engagement is a “multi-dimensional psychosocial process resulting from a conjoint cognitive, emotional and behavioral enactment of individuals toward their health condition and management” including: what the patient does; what the patient thinks and knows; and what the patient feels. This workshop focuses on best practice approaches to the development of digital health tools for patient engagement, using case examples from the faculty’s research (colorectal cancer screening, treatment decision making and clinical trial participation).

Access to the Internet and mobile technologies are ubiquitous and e-health tools are widely available, yet few are related to cancer care and more specifically to clinical trials and most have not undergone rigorous development or evaluation. Designing salient digital health interventions (including web, mobile and device), is essential to high quality patient education and requires theoretically based formative research and user-center design with stakeholder input throughout impacting both content and technology design.

This workshop will educate participants about the principles (theory-based, data and stakeholder-driven) and techniques (formative research methods and user-center design) to design digital health tools for patient activation. We will highlight these principles and techniques through 2-3 case examples, highlighting lessons learned. Questions (topics of interest, previous experience, challenges they are having in developing digital health interventions) will be asked at registration to guide the focus of the presentation and the development of case studies that participants will work on in small online groups applying these learnings. Outcomes include enhanced best practice knowledge and skills in digital health intervention development.

Learning Objectives:
  • The participant shall be able to identify two lessons learned about digital health development.
  • The participant shall be able to identify two barriers to patient accessibility to patient education.
  • The participant shall be able to discuss how digital health can be used to promote informed decision making and patient activation.


  1. Sarah Bass, Associate Professor, Temple University
  2. Linda Fleisher, Associate Research Professor, Fox Chase Cancer Center
  3. Cassidy Kenny, Fox Chase Cancer Center

Advancing Antiracist Psychosocial Care to Address Financial Hardship in Adolescent & Young Adult Oncology

Monday, 12 October 2020, 1:30 - 3:00 PM EDT (UTC -4:00)

In recent decades, the oncology community has increasingly focused on adolescent and young adult (AYA) patients, diagnosed with cancer between ages 15-39 years, who are challenged to cope with life-threatening illness, while navigating transitions from childhood to adulthood that are already characterized by tremendous growth, change, and stress. In particular, racial minority AYAs are known to simultaneously experience racism that leads to disparities. Antiracist, developmentally-appropriate approaches are needed to achieve equitable psychosocial care for AYAs. Furthermore, it is known that being young and a racial minority are both risk factors for financial hardship following a cancer diagnosis.

Through presentation of didactic content, videos, case examples, and interactive exercises, participants will learn practical knowledge and skills towards advancing equitable psychosocial care for AYA cancer patients. Content will emphasize how to effectively employ an antiracist lens and conceptual framework for financial hardship, in order to implement psychosocial support that effectively combines knowledge and strategies from pediatric and adult settings, with uniquely AYA strategies that reflect their sociodemographic and contextual complexity.

Learning Objectives:
At the end of the course the participants will be better able to:
  • identify at least two biomedical challenges and two corresponding psychosocial/contextual issues that are uniquely experienced among the AYA patient care population following a cancer diagnosis
  • identify an antiracist approach (e.g., research practice or clinical skill) and a conceptualization of financial hardship that addresses the aforementioned biomedical and psychosocial issues/contextual social determinants of health for racial minority AYAs, who may be particularly vulnerable

  1. Christabel K. Cheung, University of Maryland School of Social Work and University of Maryland Greenebaum Comprehensive Cancer Center

Difficult Conversations in Health Literate Care

Tuesday, 13 October 2020, 10:00 AM - 2:00 PM EDT (UTC -4:00), with a break from 11:30 AM - 12:30 PM EDT

sponsored by Cancer Education at the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre

Workshop registration FULL. No more registrations will be accepted.

Abstract: Health care providers (HCPs) often face difficult conversations. These conversations can have profound effects on both the HCP and the patient or caregiver. When delivered poorly, bad news can generate feelings of anger, fear, and mistrust in the recipient. Breaking bad news well is associated with positive patient health outcomes and can help reduce provider burnout and increase resilience.This workshop aims to provide theory and practice opportunities to support HCPs through difficult conversations.

This course includes a pre-course online component (4 hours to complete over 1 month) and a 3 hour workshop during the ICEC conference. The online component includes 4 modules where participants have 1 month to complete videos, eLearning, reflections and group discussions in advance through the Princess Margaret Cancer Centre’s online Learning hub Cancer Campus. The online modules include:

  1. Health Literacy and Communication Strategies
  2. The Art and Science of Plain Language
  3. Seamlessness and Teams
  4. Resilience

The in-person workshop includes facilitated activities to reinforce online learning, an interactive exploration of communication styles and reflections, and role-play with video-recorded simulations with standardized patient actors.

Learning Objectives:
The Difficult Conversations in Health Literate Care course aims to provide HCPs with health literacy and clear communication strategies to support patients and families including:
  • Negotiating a mutual agenda with patients at the outset of encounters
  • Using communication related protocols and tools to support patients through difficult conversations
  • Eliciting questions from patients through a “patient-centered” approach
  • Avoiding using medical “jargon” in communication with patients
  • Taking a universal precautions approach to oral and written communication with patients

  1. Tina Papadakos, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, University Health Network
  2. Meredith Giuliani, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
  3. Tylar Stringer, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, UHN
  4. Janet Papadakos, Princess Margaret Cancer Centre
NCI Training Workshop: NCI’s Support for Cancer Education Across the Academic Lifespan: R25 and UE5 Programs

Tuesday, 13 October 2020, 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM EDT (UTC -4:00)

  • NCI-supported R25 Cancer Research Education Grants Program (Sergey Radaev)
  • Enhancing Diversity through Early Intervention: the NCI R25 Youth Enjoy Science (YES) Research Education Program (Alison Lin)
  • NCI Awardee Skills Development Consortium (NASDC): Helping NCI-Funded Junior Faculty Succeed in Academic Cancer Research Careers (Jeannette Korczak)